Easily Load, Unload And Blacklist Kernel Modules With kmon (TUI) Logix March 31, 2020kmon is a new command line kernel manager and activity monitor. It can be used to load, unload and blacklist kernel modules, as well as sho...
MystiQ Is An Easy To Use FFmpeg GUI (Multimedia Converter) For Linux And Windows Logix March 30, 2020 MystiQ is a fairly new Qt5/C++ FFmpeg -based audio and video converter for Linux and Microsoft Windows. A macOS version will also be avail...
Mark Text Markdown Editor 0.16 Released With Experimental Spell Checker, Support For Custom Fonts Logix March 30, 2020 Mark Text, a popular Markdown editor, had a new release over the weekend (0.16.0, followed by 0.16.1 to fix a bug). This update brings an e...
Release Roundup: Joplin 1.0.195, Audacious 4.0, Meteo Qt 1.6 And Gammy 0.9.58 Logix March 23, 2020Four applications were over the weekend, and this article covers them in short summary: Joplin (a free and open source note taking and to-...
How To Record And Play Mouse And Keyboard Events Using Atbswp Macro Recorder (GUI) Logix March 19, 2020Atbswp is a new graphical utility (Python3) that can be used to record the mouse and keyboard events. You can then reproduce (play) them id...
How To Install Oracle Java 14 (JDK 14) On Ubuntu, Debian Or Linux Mint From APT PPA Repository Logix March 18, 2020 [[Edit]] Oracle Java 14 is no longer supported / updated by Oracle, and its latest version is no longer available for download. Please swit...
Perform Common PDF Editing Operations With PDF Mix Tool 0.5, Now With Single File Mode Logix March 17, 2020PDF Mix Tool , an application that allows performing some common PDF editing operations on Linux, was updated recently with "single fil...
How To Install macOS In A Virtual Machine On Linux Using Sosumi (Snap Package) Logix March 17, 2020 Sosumi is a snap package based on macOS-Simple-KVM that makes it easy to download and install macOS in a virtual machine (it comes bundle...
Shortwave Internet Radio Player Sees Its First Stable Release (1.0) Logix March 16, 2020Shortwave , the Gradio successor, had its first stable (1.0) release over the weekend after almost two years of development. Shortwave is ...
ffmpegfs Is A FUSE-Based Filesystem For Transcoding Video And Audio On The Fly When Opened Logix March 13, 2020I recently stumbled across ffmpegfs and found it to be quite useful, so I thought I'd make a post about it, especially since there are n...
New Features And Changes In GNOME 3.36 Logix March 11, 2020 GNOME 3.36 has been released after its regular 6-month development cycle. Read on to find out what new features and improvements are inclu...
OpenSnitch Linux Application Firewall Fork With Improvements And Bug Fixes Logix March 04, 2020OpenSnitch , an application firewall for Linux, is no longer under active development. This didn't mean it was the end for this project...