How To Mount BitLocker-Encrypted Windows Partitions On Linux Logix April 26, 2019 This is a guide on how to access a BitLocker-encrypted Windows volume from Linux, useful in cases of dual-booting Windows 10, 8 or 7, and a...
How To Change Username On Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint Or Fedora Logix April 25, 2019This is a step by step guide on how to change your username on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint (and other Linux distributions based on Debian/Ubu...
Analyze Network Traffic With Termshark, A Terminal UI For TShark (Wireshark) Logix April 24, 2019 Termshark is a new terminal user interface for TShark (network protocol analyzer), inspired by Wireshark. It runs on Linux, macOS and Wi...
Stilo Is A Pack Of Clean, Minimalistic GTK Themes Logix April 23, 2019 Stilo is a pack of clean, minimalistic, yet stylish GTK themes for the GNOME desktop. It consists on 2 main themes, Stilo and Stiloetto, e...
ps_mem Shows Per-Program Memory Usage On Linux Logix April 23, 2019ps_mem is a tool for checking per-program core memory usage on Linux. It works with both Python 2 and 3, and besides Python it has no depen...
Join The Uprising! Logix April 19, 2019 Hi there! If you're new to Linux Uprising, here are a few ways you can stay up to date with the latest articles, which range from news ...
Wireless Sniffer Kismet 2019-04-R1 Adds New Web UI, Support For Non-WiFi Captures Logix April 19, 2019A new major Kismet version has been released, almost 3 years after the previous stable release. The new 2019-04-R1 version features a massiv...
How To Make a Bootable Windows 10 USB On Linux Using WoeUSB Logix April 19, 2019WoeUSB is a Linux tool for creating bootable Windows USB sticks for installing Windows, from an ISO or DVD image. The free and open sourc...
Install The Latest OpenJDK 17, 16, 15, 13, 11 or 8 in Ubuntu, Debian or RHEL Using Zulu OpenJDK Builds Logix April 18, 2019 A more accurate title would be (but it's way too long): install the latest OpenJDK 17, 16, 15, 13, 11, 8 and even 7 in Ubuntu, Debian, ...
What's New In Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) Logix April 18, 2019 Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) has been officially released. Read on if you want to see what new features and improvements are included with th...
How To Enable HiDPI Fractional Scaling For Wayland Or X11 On Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo Logix April 17, 2019As many of you already know, GNOME 3.32 includes experimental HiDPI fractional scaling for Wayland, but what you might not be aware of is t...
How To Enable Metadata-Based Batch Rename In GNOME Files (Nautilus) On Ubuntu Logix April 15, 2019 GNOME Files (or Nautilus) has a batch file rename feature (introduced in version 3.22) which allows finding and replacing text in multiple...
How To Remove Old Snap Versions To Free Up Disk Space Logix April 10, 2019 I was using Disk Usage Analyzer recently to see if I could free up some space on my Ubuntu 18.10 desktop, when I noticed that the /var/lib/...
Yaru Colors: Ubuntu's Default Theme In 11 Colors (Gtk, Icons And Gnome Shell) Logix April 10, 2019Yaru Colors is a fork of the Yaru theme (default Ubuntu Gtk, icon and Gnome Shell themes) in 11 colors, with each Gtk theme being available...
Hollywood-Grade Video Editor DaVinci Resolve 16 Beta Released Logix April 09, 2019Blackmagic Design has released DaVinci Resolve 16 beta yesterday with new exciting features like neural engine with face recognition, new cu...
CPUFREQ Power Manager Gnome Extension Ported To Gtk Logix April 08, 2019CPUFREQ Power Manager GNOME extension was recently ported to Gtk. In the future, this will allow the extension to work on other desktop env...
GIMP 2.10.10 Released With Smart Colorization, Transformation Tools Improvements Logix April 08, 2019A new GIMP version is out after 5 months of development. Unlike previous major versions of GIMP, the 2.10 branch allows some new features ...
Automatically Mount USB Drives On Ubuntu Or Debian Server With USBmount Logix April 04, 2019If you want to automatically mount USB drives on a server running Debian or Ubuntu (including Raspbian or Ubuntu MATE for Raspberry Pi) you ...
WPS Office 11 (2019) For Linux Released Logix April 03, 2019WPS Office for Linux version 11 (or 2019) was released the other day with new features and improvements, including support for high resoluti...
Download Master PDF Editor 4 For Linux (Free To Use Version) Logix April 01, 2019Master PDF Editor is a proprietary application to edit PDF documents on Linux, Windows and macOS. It can create, edit (insert text or image...